Estudiamos las necesidades
en materia fiscal a nivel europeo
de empresas globales.
Glorieta de Quevedo, nº 9, 5º
28015 Madrid (España)
C/ Arena, 1, Planta 4ª
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)
As the end of the transitory period contemplated in the Withdrawal Agreement approaches, the Spanish Customs authorities have issued its Customs management Informative Note number NI GA 27/2020 of November 3, where they give instructions about the impact of Brexit on the use of the EORI numbers a how to manage the possible different scenarios.
The note stresses that, in terms of conditions of access to the market, a new scenario opens that would be quite different from the previously existing situation where the UK appertained to the EU internal market. Whether there is an agreement or not, the UK's exit from the EU has a significant effect on organization and / or logistics flows of economic operators, so it is necessary evaluate said impact and carry out, as far as possible, the necessary procedures.
One of the main implications of BREXIT in the customs field is that EORIs registered by the United Kingdom (EORI GB), they will no longer be valid after the end of the transitional period.
For this reason, all operators currently identified in the United Kingdom and going to continue to carry out customs formalities in the Union, they must obtain an EORI number whose allocation corresponds to the customs authorities of the Member State where they are established or, failing that, where they are going to carry out the first operation.
Therefore, all those operators registered with a NIF before the Tax Agency and that are operating with an EORI assigned by the UK authorities must choose one of the following options BEFORE the end of the transitional period:
a) Apply for a new EORI in Spain or
b) Request the association of the EORI that you have obtained in another Member State (other than United Kingdom) to a Spanish NIF.
Both procedures must be carried out through the Electronic Office of the Tax Agency, Indicating the current NIF and, where appropriate, the new EORI obtained in another Member State.
It must be considered that:
- To obtain an EORI number in Spain it is necessary to previously have a tax identification number (NIF).
- Operators not established in the Union (one of the 27 Member States other than United Kingdom) must appoint a tax representative who is established.
You can access to the full contain of the informative notice at the Spanish Tax Agency site by clicking here.
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Estudiamos las necesidades
en materia fiscal a nivel europeo
de empresas globales.
Glorieta de Quevedo, nº 9, 5º
28015 Madrid (España)
C/ Arena, 1, Planta 4ª
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)