Estudiamos las necesidades
en materia fiscal a nivel europeo
de empresas globales.
Glorieta de Quevedo, nº 9, 5º
28015 Madrid (España)
C/ Arena, 1, Planta 4ª
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)
Royal Decree 1305/2024, of December 23, approving the Regulation of the penalty procedure for non-compliance with Intrastat obligations has been published on January 29, 2025, and has entered into force on February 1, 2025.
As a result of these new rules, the penalties can range between 150 € and 6.000 € per Intrastat return, with the possibility of a 50% reduction in case of acceptance and prompt payment (according to the previous regime the penalties ranged between 60,10 € and 30.050,62 €, while the reductions were for a maximum of 40%).
It is remembered that the values declared in the intrastat returns must be consistent with those declared in the VAT returns, Form 303, and Recapitulative Statements, Form 349 for intracommunity acquisitions and deliveries of goods.
Find attached an overview of this new penalty regime, including the type of penalty, amount, and classification criteria, at the linf that follows:
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Estudiamos las necesidades
en materia fiscal a nivel europeo
de empresas globales.
Glorieta de Quevedo, nº 9, 5º
28015 Madrid (España)
C/ Arena, 1, Planta 4ª
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)