
Spain. New Intrastat penalty regime

Royal Decree 1305/2024, of December 23, approving the Regulation of the penalty procedure for non-compliance with Intrastat obligations has been published on January 29, 2025, and has entered into force on February 1, 2025.   As a result of these new rules, the penalties can range between 150 € and 6.000 € per Intrastat return, with the possibility of a 50% reduction in case of acceptance and prompt payment (according to the previous regime the penalties ranged between 60,10 € and 30.050,62 €, w...

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Publication of the Ministerial Order that develops the Veri*factu Ordinace. Homologated invoicing software in Spain required, in principle, by 1st July 2025

The Ministerial Order HAC/1177/2024 that develops the technical aspects required for the invoicing software used by companies so they are compliant with Royal Decree 1007/2023, of 5 October (the, so called,  Veri*factu Ordinance) has been published in Today Official Gazette (accessible at the link: Disposición 22138 del BOE núm. 260 de 2024 ). With the publication of the Order, the 9 months dead-line for software developers and marketers so to adapt their invoicing applications to the new techni...

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 I. A change of paradigm of the internal VAT management function   It is common that multinational companies which operate globally incur VAT reporting obligations in more than one country. When this happen, because of the different reporting parameters and technologies required by each jurisdiction, being able to remain compliant is a complex task and requires a flexibility which may not always exist, especially where the ERP, IT, financial and VAT reporting functions are centralized at group l...

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The new environmental taxation derived from the framework of the "European Strategy for Plastic in a Circular Economy". The special tax on non-reusable plastic packings 

Title VII (articles 67 to 83 ) of Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy (hereinafter, the Waste Law), published in the Official State Gazette of April 9, 2022, introduces tax measures to encourage the circular economy, including the creation of a special tax on non-reusable plastic packings, whose entry into force is scheduled for January 1, 2023 which will be the subject of the following comments.   Background   This new tax must be considered within the ...

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European Commission seeks to harmonise digital reporting requirements

  On 21 January 2022, the European Commission (EC) launched a public consultation on the new legislative package forming part of its plan “VAT in the Digital Age”, namely:  Single VAT registration  Digital Reporting Requirements (DRR) and e-invoicing  VAT treatment of the platform economy   The consultation, that seeks feedback from businesses, academics, Member States and other interested parties, is open until 15 April 2022 and contributions can be submitted at the Commission site .   As menti...

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The European VAT Handbook 2021/2022 is arrived

As a co-author, I am proud to announce that the European VAT Handbook 2021/2022 is available with the following contains: ? Detailed essential VAT information in Europe ? 30 countries ? 624 pages   Given the profile of the professional that contribute to the book, the topics thar are covered and the way in which they are treated are eminently practical and aim to point out to those aspects that, according to experience, need to specifically considered from a VAT point of view  by those companies...

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