
The “VAT after ViDA” seen from a taxpayer point of view. Fighting against the “forgotten VAT gap” and related ideas

I. Background   On December 2022 the European Commission proposed a wide reform package to modernize and simplify the EU’s VAT ( “VAT in the Digital Age” or plan ViDA), with new rules on electronic invoices and real-time data reporting, as well as business carried out through digital platforms, with the objectives of fighting against tax fraud, supporting businesses and promoting digitalization. After almost two years of political struggle, the ViDA package was politically adopted by the EU Coun...

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 I. A change of paradigm of the internal VAT management function   It is common that multinational companies which operate globally incur VAT reporting obligations in more than one country. When this happen, because of the different reporting parameters and technologies required by each jurisdiction, being able to remain compliant is a complex task and requires a flexibility which may not always exist, especially where the ERP, IT, financial and VAT reporting functions are centralized at group l...

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VAT and the industrial revolution 4.0

The new business models that have emerged from the widespread use of new technologies, a legacy of the digital revolution that brought about the arrival of information and telecommunications technology in the mid-20th century, have had a disruptive impact on national tax systems, who must face a complex scenario marked by: • New schemes of fraud and emptying of tax bases.• Lack of neutrality (local economy vs relocated companies).• Loss of legal certainty derived from the complexity/lack of adap...

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Spain. The Spanish Tax Agency updates it site to inform about the new VAT regime of e-commerce

The portal of the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) has published a new section where all the information about the new VAT regime for electronic commerce is gathered. As has been widely commented in the media, as of July 1, 2021, all member states must have transposed the new special one-stop-shop regimes provided for in Council Directive 2017/2455 into their regulations. The Spanish regulations carrying out this transposition are in process. The new OSS regimes are of optional application by the compa...

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We study the European
taxation needs of
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Glorieta de Quevedo, nº 9, 5º
28015 Madrid (España)

C/ Arena, 1, Planta 4ª
35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)

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